Interview With Ruth Ware: Author Of The Woman In Cabin 10

Ruth Ware’s debut novel, In a Dark, Dark Wood, garnered critical acclaim and won a RT Reviewer’s…

Book Review: The Lauras by Sara Taylor

There is so much about The Lauras by Sara Taylor that just resonates with its…

Book Review: Dodge and Burn by Seraphina Madsen

A psychedelic road trip. A blurred line between reality and fantasy. A dream, “just a…

Book Review: Stan and Nan by Sarah Lippett

Losing loved ones is the hardest thing people have to deal with in life. It…

Book Review: Martini Henry by Sara Crowe

The delightfully unconventional Sue Bowl returns for more daydreaming and youthful disasters in Sara Crowe’s…

The Couple Next Door – Shari Lapena Review

First thing’s first with this novel: The Couple Next Door is a very misleading title.…

The Joyce Girl – Annabel Abbs Review

What’s it like to live in the shadow of a creative genius? It’s a dream…

Streets of Darkness – A. A. Dhand Review

We all have a bit of a love-hate relationship with where we grew up, but…

The Art of The Jungle Book – Ellen Wolff Review

Claiming the unofficial award for most visually sumptuous and impressive film of the year so…

The House at the Edge of Night – Catherine Banner Review

Imagine yourself transported to a remote Italian island over a hundred years ago – a…

The End of the World Running Club – Adrian J Walker Review

If you thought you’d encountered all the fictional end of the world scenarios there are,…

Undercover: A True Story – Joe Carter Review

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be an undercover cop? Sure, we’ve seen…