Author Guest Post

Melissa Welliver: Why Soulmates might be real, but you probably don’t want one

When people ask me what gave me the idea for writing Soulmates and Other Ways…

Stories by the fire: how the supernatural influences my writing

A foggy winter evening. A stranded woman happens upon an eerie charity shop; going inside…

L. C. North: Why we’re drawn to themes of power and control in fiction

“I can’t live without you. I won’t let you live without me.” Martin from Sleeping…

Love It: The Enduring Appeal Of The ‘It’ Girl

Twentieth century history is littered with them, on front pages, in videos, and latterly social…

Amy McCaw: Why the obsession with vampires?

I’ve always been fascinated with vampires, and I’m certainly not alone. Written descriptions of them…

Alina Khawaja: Why Muslim Girls Love K-Dramas

“The connection between Muslim girls and Korean content needs to be studied” is something I’ve…

C. G. Moore on writing in verse

I get asked a lot whether I prefer writing in verse or prose and I…

Ally Carter: Things you can’t forget about amnesia

Hi. I’m Ally, and I’m addicted to amnesia stories. *Support group chimes*: “Hi, Ally.” Amnesia…

Rachel Wolf on characters we love to hate

Iago, Logan Roy, Nurse Ratched, Patrick Bateman, Annie Wilkes… There’s nothing like a compelling villain…

Be afraid, be very afraid: L. D. Smithson on why scary stories can be good for us

When I was nine years old the movie Jaws played for the first time on…

The Sleeping Beauty: fairy tale re-creations in times of conflict

In the fairy tale of the sleeping beauty, a castle re-awakens after a long curse.…

Charlotte Stein: Setting The Romance Bar

The thing I love most about Romance is how high it sets the bar for…