Single Review: Hayes and Y – Blue

If synth pop is your jam then this single is your cup of soy flat white.
Hayes and Y are a Manchester based band with members heralding from Finland and Bulgaria. The four-piece comprises of Radoslav Lozanski on guitar, Ivailo Delev on bass, Dennis Hallbäck on drums and Blagoslav Anastasov on vocals and guitar.
‘Blue’ is their latest release and on first listen I wasn’t the biggest fan; I put it in the “not another indie electro band box”. But the more I listened to the single I really started getting into the band’s sincere musicality – even dancing around singing into my hairbrush.
It starts with a heavy drum beat, then comes the Nile Rogers-esque funk guitar riff, highly distorted and sounding very 80s, before the bass kicks in.
The lyrics gently flow over the top of the subdued retro pop synth. “It is easy to want you, but so hard to love you” Blagoslav sings in the chorus, his lyrics talking of a dancehall romance where you have the chemistry but it just never works. It tells a tale of loneliness and imaginary friends and it’s the perfect song to groove to.
‘Blue’ is out now and is part of a series of colour related tracks to be released by the quartet.