Interview with Emily Frith

Emily Frith might not be a name you know at the moment, although it very well may be in the near future.
The Norwich based, Essex born 19-year-old has only been recording for a couple of years, but has been musically inclined for a long while. “When I was growing up, five or six years old, one of my teachers had a guitar and I was sort of obsessed with it”, Emily tells me over the phone one weekday afternoon.” I begged my parents to get me a guitar and they got me this small kids one from Argos, which was the beginning of it really”.
Emily defines herself as a country artist, but admits “It’s hard to fit me into a category – my Spotify is similarly mixed, my playlists can go from George Strait to Sigrid! I began to listen to country music when I was about 10, old and new. Not much of my family is musical, but my parents listen to country”.
Living in Southend until recently, Emily found the local community of musicians her way into performing. “I forced myself to play guitar, to learn it! I had this passion and wanted to do it so, so badly.” However, it wasn’t until moving to Norwich to study Graphic Design that she found her career taking off. “I uploaded my songs to BBC Introducing Essex and heard nothing, so I tried in Norwich and heard back the same day! It’s been a year now and I can’t believe how it helped me.”
She balances her uni degree and her music well, although she initially didn’t see herself doing both. “I always knew I wanted to do either music or graphic design, I didn’t think I could pursue both. When I got to uni in Norwich though I managed to find a good balance – I went to an open mic night and everyone wanted me to perform. Now I can come home from uni and pick up my guitar and write something.”
Like a lot of emerging artists, Emily has found that social media has been hugely helpful. “I got Instagram when I was about 14 or 15, although since I started to use it for my music it’s been really helpful. Social media is a connection to the rest of the world – I go on and can talk to people who live hundreds of miles away and they love my music, it’s so unbelievable. It’s a platform to test things out as well.” Emily is also involved with Belles & Gals – “The home of country music in the UK”, and recently performed at their London showcase.
Emily’s surprised though that she’s managed to get as far as she has, but has even bigger hopes for the future. Where does she see herself in five years? “Signed to a label, hopefully! I’d love to do a mini tour sometime too, even if it’s just the UK.” She also has plans for an EP in the near future – “I’ve recorded five singles and they’re all going to be on an EP out soon, early next year”.
Emily’s music can be heard on Spotify and Youtube, as well as her own website. She can be found on Twitter @EmilyFrizzle. Her latest single, ‘Better’, is out now and her next, ‘Giving Up On Love’, is out 17 November.