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Sanditon review: One of ITV’s most divisive dramas in recent history

Sanditon review: One of ITV’s most divisive dramas in recent history

It’s not autumn in Britain unless there’s a period drama somewhere on the TV schedules, and for the last eight weeks ITV’s Sanditon has taken on this duty admirably. Building on the promising start offered by the series premiere, writer Andrew Davies’ expansion into the uncharted territory of Jane Austen’s unfinished novel may have taken a few episodes to find its feet but it went from strength to strength once it did so. Despite its shaky start, Sanditon ultimately benefitted from the creative freedom of telling a story that hasn’t been known to audiences for over 200 years – and it made sure to use that free reign to deliver perhaps one of the most divisive endings of any ITV Sunday night drama in recent history.

Choosing to adapt Austen’s unfinished novel always offered a double-edged sword to the programme’s creators, and it was clear that Sanditon remained unsure over whether to lean into expectations or defy them completely. Up until the final episode, I was ready to say without hesitation that Sanditon could more than hold its own against other Austen adaptations. While the series did err on the side of drama for drama’s sake at times, rather than consider a direction Austen was more likely to take, for the most part Sanditon delivered a warm and absorbing series, fronted by a likeable and relatable lead in Charlotte Heywood (Rose Williams) who served as a charming guide to Austen’s unfinished world.

The series strove for Austen-like familiarity throughout, and as the series grew more confident in its story and its characters, Charlotte was strengthened by the writers’ convictions too, becoming less of a wide-eyed ingénue and more of a confident young woman who wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and confront her own misconceptions. Similarly, the romance between Charlotte and Sidney (Theo James) very clearly followed in the footsteps of Austen’s best-known relationship, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy, in Sanditon’s premiere and it kept marching to that very formulaic beat in the episodes that followed, with any steps forward immediately being undermined by misunderstandings. It’s to Rose Williams and Theo James’ testament that the pair were ultimately able to convincingly sell a romance – especially when love rival James Stringer (Leo Suter) felt like the far more worthy recipient of Charlotte’s affections – when things finally turned around for the couple. And then the final episode aired and the series ended in heartbreak – mainly, it feels, because it could.

In its determination to shock viewers with its un-Austen-like ending, Sanditon not only left a sour taste in the mouths of many viewers who’d invested their time and expectations in a series purporting to pay tribute to the novelist’s unfinished work, but it also left far too many open-ended plot threads – most likely in that ever-contemporary hope of a second season – where Austen usually took great care to wrap everything up. After weeks of delightfully immoral behaviour, Sir Edward Denham (Jack Fox) was summarily disinherited alongside Clara (Lucy Sacofsky) and disappeared, returning in the final episode only to become an obstacle to other people’s happiness, before he was immediately put on a coach back to London and his own story was left without conclusion. Much too was made of the introduction of Antiguan heiress Miss Lambe (Crystal Clarke), but her forbidden love story felt weak and it was quickly played out and brushed past in favour of her guardian Sidney’s own romance, rendering her a spoilt, stubborn and annoying character who was once again left unmoored by Sanditon’s rushed ending.Coming into this series, one of the best things Sanditon had going for it was that it was new and unknown, with audiences able to guess at, enjoy and uncover the plot as it unfolded like no other adaptation that came before. For the most part, this was to the series’ benefit. The calculating and shifting allegiances of Lady Esther (Charlotte Spencer) and Clara were a real delight to watch, and Esther’s growing bond with Lord Babington (Mark Stanley) was both unexpected and refreshingly played-out on screen, including his marriage proposal in the final episode. In fact, most of the storylines unfolding at Denham house were deliciously soapy to watch, with their scheming and sniping over future inheritances and Lady Denham’s (Anne Reid) consistent and cutting commentary providing a darkly enjoyable alternative to the more by-the-numbers plots playing out elsewhere.

Sanditon had a lot of promise but episode eight managed to undo a lot of the good work of the previous episodes and ensured that the series didn’t actually achieve much of anything. Despite the progress, the character growth and everything we all learned, the series ended with Charlotte still home and unmarried, Sanditon still a resort that needs developing and Sidney still the unattainable hero. Even if it was intended all along to subvert expectations by not giving audiences the happily ever after of all of Austen’s other romances, it would have at least been better had the decision been Charlotte’s own; instead, the series took away all of her agency to further a man’s financial and business prospects – and if ever there was a benefit to continuing a 200-year-old story in 2019, surely it would be in allowing the female lead to at least make her own romantic decisions.

However, Sanditon remains, on the whole, a charming series that’s beautiful to look at, offering plenty of engaging plot points and enough relationships to invest in that viewers were happy to be drawn back into its world week after week. The open-ended nature of the finale alone suggests that there are other plans for Charlotte and Sidney yet, which was always going to jar with an audience who would no doubt have been much happier had the series ended with Sidney’s romantic declaration to Charlotte in episode 7 and met their expectations of a typical Austen marriage plot.

But Sanditon never claimed it would be recreating a pitch perfect Austen novel. While the series may be based on Austen’s world, populated by her characters and clearly owes the author a great debt, Sanditon’s ending has proven that this is one adaptation that was always determined to strike out on its own. And, for better or for worse, it’s certainly done that.


View Comments (14)
  • 1 agree with all you say. The series built up each week giving plenty of scope for the actors to find their feet. Some good plot lines which seemed to simmer out in the last episode making it appear disjointed and rushed. Left me thinking why should Sidney need to bail his stupid brother out by marrying his ex for money. Then he turned from a strong vibrant character into a virtual wimp under the thumb of a stuck up nasty bitch. Why? Was he in debt also? Tom should have paid for his mistakes himself instead of expecting everyone else to forgive him. I found it hard to get attached to Tom at all he only wanted personal glory and had no thought for anyone else. Lady Susan was a pleasure to watch but there again not enough of her. She just disappeared off the scene. I fancied brother Arthur would escape his silly sister and finally grow up and marry maybe Miss Lamb but there again he turned back into a fat little boy and we see Miss Lamb gazing at her locket photo. So many loose ends. After watching each episode up to 7 with anticipation and pleasure Episode 8 was a complete disaster. Apart from Lord Beb and Esther who were both brilliant, especially Lord Beb a real gent.

  • Perhaps the ending of Sense and Sensibility ie Elenor s and Annes in Persuation could be a marker for the way Jane Austen would have dealt with it.

  • If there is not to be a second series at least let there be an episode aired at Christmas where Susan returns and Charlotte marrries Sydney and Miss Lamb marries her beau too. In these fraught Brexit times, Sunday evenings were an anticipated and fulfilled joy of superb acting, elegance and beauty but such an ending is disrespectful pf Andrew Davies to Jane Austen’s memory. Hers was the original idea and she would not have ended it in this way.

  • I’m really hoping that we don’t have another series of Sanditon. I admit I enjoyed many aspects of it such as the dance scenes, the boating scene, the cricket and the chemistry between Charlotte and Sidney, the main characters. Unfortunately the finale only succeeded in reducing all these things to dust. After watching episode eight I felt the whole thing was designed as a purely money making exercise, its only intention to leave viewers believing they desperately needed another series along with the accompanying merchandise. If there is another series how is it likely to finish? Are we to go on forever with each series more ludicrous than the last? I believe Sanditon should be concluded now. How could Charlotte ever trust Sidney again. He wiped his feet on her by accepting that money was more important than love. Indeed the whole Parker family seemed to be OK with that. Sidney displayed the same Gold Digging characteristics that we berated Eliza Campion for. He inflicted the same intense pain on Charlotte that Eliza inflicted on him and selfishly asked that she “didn’t think too badly of him.” Like Jane Austen’s Willoughby and Wickham, Sidney turned out to be mercenary. His ruthless treatment of Charlotte should be seen for what it is. It is neither OK or fixable. So please, not a second series or a Christmas special just let Sanditon end now while Charlotte still has her dignity and self respect.

  • Good summary and review. To be fair, long time since got so involved in a period drama! Shaky start but the cast and set were fab and the plot built and built. On reflection, it is testament to how well it was done that everyone who watched was so devastated by the ending. Hope it won’t turn into some soap that goes on and on. Just needs a couple more episodes to tie up those horrible loose ends (Georgiana with her £100,00 is well placed to step in and sort all in the name of true love) and then it can enter it’s place in the drama history books. Let’s not make it all about money to be made from endless tv series please!

  • I loved Sanditon, but if there is a second series, then it’s difficult to see how Sidney and Charlotte could be together. Once Sidney married Eliza that would be it – no divorce in those days. Besides, he did to Charlotte what Eliza did to him years before. We assume Eliza did it to secure her financial security, and we know Sidney is doing it not for his own financial gain, but to save his wreckless brother from ruin. But how would Charlotte feel about that? Talk about a slap in the face! Would she ever be able to trust him again? I would love another series, but only one just to tie up the unresolved story strands – and give Charlotte her happy ending.

  • I loved Sanditon and looked forward to a bit of good old fashioned romance especially in these days of endless bad news and Brexit. However I was so dissapointed with what I think and agree was a rushed ending with too many loose ends! I know it was an unfinished novel but surely Jane Austen would have given us a happy ending with Charlotte and Sidney together. Why have a friend like miss Lamb and her 100k and not ask her to help out!!!
    I really hope a 2nd series is made in order to bring several untold stories to a conclusion, but most of all so we can see Charlotte and Sidney together despite his behaviour.

  • There has to be a second series. It was so enjoyable There were loads of loose end to follow up and who says that Charlotte and Sidney can’t get together,,,,or Charlotte and James Stringer,,,, or Charlotte and Otis (any reason why not?) and Georgiana and Sidney or James Stringer,,,or Arthur (if he can drag himself from toasting his crumpets). Lady Susan still has a role and will Lady Denham’s money flow to change the fortunes of Charlotte’s little sister? And will Lady Babington’s child really be that of Lord Babington….. loads of scope. MUST be a 2nd series (at the very least) as Otis and Arthur’s sissie sister (did she actually have a name?)
    Has to be… am relying on it for my sanity.

  • I have to say I loved Sanditon until the last episode !
    It was so very disappointing that Sidney took the course of action and agreed to marry that awful woman ! Poor Charlotte – why couldn’t her dear friend Miss Lamb help .
    Please write a new series just for us true fans of Sunday night period drama!

  • Having badly broken my shoulder in mid Oct, re watching Sanditon several times has been a life saver for me. I did not think it started off slowly as other reviewers have said. I was immersed in their world from the start. And what marvellous ensemble acting the whole package has been! Not a duff character in the entire series. Beautiful settings, clothes, interiors, dancing. As i do not watch soaps, it is a real pleasure to see the individual story lines develop and weave together. Though painful, i thought the ending perfect. A bit of Gone With The Wind longing and uncertainty about the characters’ futures. I am imagining charlotte and mr. Stringer in time to come. No second series please. Instead do one about lady Susan.

  • What a waste of time. Very disappointing. Where was the voice of Ms. Austen? Not a moment of her legendary wit in the entire production! The only attempts at humor were so obvious; fat-shaming, etc. The story was angst-ridden, and jam-packed with venal, obvious and disagreeable storylines. There was an angry undertone throughout the production. The denouement was pathetic. I felt like I was watching a story about 21st Century issues dressed up in pseudo 19th Century frosting. I watched each episode hoping against hope for some redemption, or at least, some humor. I am most displeased.

  • Hilarious to read the comments about how undone people are because of Brexit. You should be basking in your freedom, or do you not think that the UK can make it on its own? How could a series help you in that regard?

  • Please please please please put it back on that is the best show I ever seen please put it back on my name is Lisa Hawks I live in Cana Virginia I love that picture

  • The casting seems weird to me: the executive producer (Theo James) plays Sidney Parker, protagonist/love interest/hero, and his wife (Ruth Kearney) plays Eliza Campion, who seems to be an antagonist/villain. Maybe toward the end of filming the first season he thought, “huh, I didn’t think this through.” Also, I don’t see why Miss Lambe should spend more than a token amount of her money helping white people’s problems — look at the way they treat her: all laughing at her because she doesn’t have six shillings for the coach to London, and Lady Denham’s rude remarks, making a spectacle of her. I think she should spend it on her beau’s endeavor, the Sons of Africa abolitionist society.

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